Melvin Gone AWOL in Chennai!

Conspicuous by his absence!

On the eve of Our 3rd Group Match of the World Cup concern is growing for the whereabouts of our erstwhile mascot and cheerleader Marvelous Melvin!

Last seen at game one on the outfield( though disguised throughout as a red boundary cone). Melvin was in the thick of the action from the boundary’s edge.The Match v’s New Zealand went the way of England and I like to think Melvins presence gave impetuous to England seniors innings.

However following Melvins return to our wonderful hotel with the rest of the England Squad and supporters Melvin went for a well earned lay down.

But upon my awakening there was No Sign of him. His stand was empty!!! So the hunt goes on. Where is Melvin! If his Adsense continues into tomorrow( which is my Birthday incidentally) I may well raise the alarm and perhaps a missing persons declaration! Fingers crossed it is a simple misunderstanding and perhaps Melvin simply went AWOL for his own reasons and he will return refreshed& in Good spirits. I do hope so for his sake& for the well being of the whole England squad! Melvins absence has been remarked upon by concerned squad members and supporters alike!

Come back dear Melvin we need your support! Hope to find you or you find us again tomorrow🙏🌞👏

After final preparations before the warm up game last Friday.

Melvin was present at the practice session too.

2 Responses to “Melvin Gone AWOL in Chennai!”

  1. Margie King Says:

    Oh dear! Melvin the marvellous where have you got too? I reckon he’s cooking up a storm with Rick stein xxxx

  2. Denise Twomey Says:

    This is a tragedy and very worrying. Do we suspect foul play?

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